[BC] Where the industry is headed?

Glen Kippel glen.kippel at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 23:41:49 CST 2010

On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Alex Hartman <goober at goobe.net> wrote:
>Very interesting read Barry. Especially the findings of streaming, yet the reluctance to shut down the transmitter.

>Though, i suspect more and more stations will expand and grow on the streaming thing, and eventually turn themselves into a webcaster instead of a broadcaster. The trick is finding the hook to keep the listeners. Sure you can spit out podcasts, but that's leisure listening, not direct audience. What's going to be the trick to get them to stick around for an entire program, or daypart?

Now, you have come to the crux of the matter.  All the technology in the world will not rescue radio from crummy, derivative and uninspired/uninspiring programming.  And that is just what populates most of the airwaves today.  The industry needs more innovators, and I just don't see them out there today.  Everybody seems to be in a rut, imitating everybody else while PUR and TSL are on a downward slide.  And I don't know what can be done about it.

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