[BC] Audio "proofs"

Jerry Mathis thebeaver32 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 12:38:22 CST 2010

Yeah--I still have a vivid memory of that. Early in my career, I was the one who turned on the transmitters for WORM and WORM-FM in Savannah, TN for Claude. He wanted the dial tone on the AM. The old mechanically-generated dial tone that South Central Bell used with the old step-by-step exchanges. One night, I thought I'd be clever, so I put a tone on the air from an oscillator I had. Boy, was he upset! He called and let me know in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that he wanted the DIAL TONE! And for the reasons mentioned already.

Jerry Mathis

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 5:42 PM, harold stanton <k5gvr at hotmail.com> wrote:
>Thread drifting.......................
> In the South, it was Claude Gray near Birmingham.
> He used the interpolation oscillator method as well.
> But, as 'dial tone" for identification.
> Always in the middle of the nite.You called him in your
>fifteen minute assigned window. i once asked him about the
>dial tone. He said that many folks then may be testing with
>tones. but only his "folk" would be using a dial tone.
> Rcvr was a Super-pro. Oscillators, GenRad.
>   Harold

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