[BC] Voicetracking/Commercials

George Brand george at lovellsmichigan.com
Mon Nov 15 10:08:16 CST 2010

Hey Paul
I don't think anyone will "slam" you for trying to earn a better living. I
used to do the same thing until a few years ago except I went to the
station. They were friends of mine, tight budget so I charged $2.00 a pop
with a small minimum. They protested that it was too cheap so I pointed out
they let me use a desk, phone and anything I needed for sales calls as the
station was 30 miles from my office and that this was a way for me to say
thanks. Of course sometimes the PD would have to throw a glass of water at
us (so to speak) as the PD, who ran the board for me, well, put it this way,
two crack-up artists in a production room is not terribly efficient when a
:30 spot takes 30: to voice due to the laughter. Hey, we had fun and it was
beer money for me.

I'd do it again in a second.....


>I know some might "slam" me for offering to do work so cheap, but I'm
coming form the point that I need >need to get rich doing this and I want to
help out small stations because I've been there, I know what >having a lack
of good vocies can be lkike

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