[BC] EAS alert tones in movie preview ad

Alan Kline lists at cherryvalleysystem.com
Sat Nov 13 16:50:08 CST 2010

Would you rather have the music stations just keep on playin' the hits 
when a storm is coming? Considering the frailties of digital OTA TV, 
relaying the TV audio on analog radio could be a big help to someone. As 
far as not having a picture? Never bothered me. When our weather guys 
say there's a tornado heading towards me, I head for the basement. I 
don't need to see the Live Mega SupercalifragilisticexpialiDoppler to 
tell me that...


On 11/13/2010 9:39 AM, Paul Smith W4KNX wrote:
> Here in my area, there are very few radio news operations left.  During
> hurricanes, most radio stations just pipe in the local TV stations audio.
> Great public service, huh?  The one radio station in Tampa with a news dept
> left, will place the N/T station's audio on all the stations in the cluster.
> Leaves a lot to the imagination when you are listening to a TV weatherman
> showing the oncoming storm on the screen and you cant see it.

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