[BC] EAS alert tones in movie preview ad

Paul Smith W4KNX paul at amtower.com
Sat Nov 13 09:39:36 CST 2010

Here in my area, there are very few radio news operations left.  During
hurricanes, most radio stations just pipe in the local TV stations audio.
Great public service, huh?  The one radio station in Tampa with a news dept
left, will place the N/T station's audio on all the stations in the cluster.
Leaves a lot to the imagination when you are listening to a TV weatherman
showing the oncoming storm on the screen and you cant see it.

Paul Smith
Sarasota, FL

-----Original Message-----

From: Rich Wood

How comfortable does that make you feel? Suppose there were a local
disaster like Three Mile Island. Does that guy/gal with those reading
skills have the training to actually gather news? Can anyone picture
an FM station going wall-to-wall with a qualified news team in a
local emergency even in a major market?

I can't.

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