[BC] ... and another spot with false tones

Tom Spencer Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Fri Nov 12 14:15:28 CST 2010


That mention of the old carrier break alerting "protocol" brings back memories... Of hearing the EBS (ex CONELRAD) receiver trip.... every evening at sunset when the NDEA Primary switched patterns.

It was wired to a bell so we could hear it upstairs in the studio/control room....

It took two people for us to do an EBS test; one upstairs to do the audio, and one downstairs to manage the carrier breaks... And sometimes, if you count was off, you'd come back up following the second "5 seconds off" with the tone al;ready on.....

Sid Schweiger wrote:

>morning.  Interesting question, isn't it?")  There were several announcers breaking into programming:  "This is an official Civil Defense broadcast!"  "The United States is under nuclear attack!"  "We interrupt this program in the interest of safety and security as requested by the United States government!"
>Although they showed some pictures of old car radios with the triangles at 640 and 1240, nowhere was the Conelrad carrier-break alert-and-tone in evidence.


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