[BC] Honest reviews

Miltron miltron at mindspring.com
Thu Nov 11 09:15:53 CST 2010

No !!!! You don't say !
I almost had a heart attack 6 or 8 months ago when I opened up an issue of The STEREOPHOOL and, lo and behold, there was a review of a Klipsch speaker !
And another one when I read it and surmised that they thought it might be the second best speaker they ever reviewed, the best costing twice as much, $40Gs a pair !) !
It must have been an honest review (not likely a cash payoff) as there has never been a Klipsch ad in any issue, AFAIK, before or since. Klipsch don't play dat...............

-----Original Message-----
>From: Broadcast List USER <Broadcast at fetrow.org>
Of course, this is no different than any car magazine.   Have you  
>ever noticed that a good review of a car is either proceeded or  
>followed, or both, by big ads for that car?  Same for electronics,  
>computer, stereo, and home theater periodicals as well.  They are all  
>advertising whores.

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