[BC] Winter Survival Gear

Evan Elrod eelrod at wkyq.com
Tue Nov 2 11:56:49 CDT 2010

Are you including things to get up/down the mountain?
If you're talking about a lot of snow or ice and high winds, you need to 
think about a good chainsaw or something to get debris out of your path, 
etc.  Extra gas, and some fuel stabilizer... chances are you have some 
of this up there for your generator.
If it's on a mountain, and mission critical, and you're really 
serious...  You should have (or be able to borrow) an ATV that could get 
you up, or down if the path was blocked beyond a traditional road.

Oh... and some good warm gloves, and some sort of warm hat.  No one has 
mentioned that yet!
I'm getting cold just thinking about the possibility of having to be out 
in that kind of weather again.  ugh...
Have fun
>   Food and water, followed by shelter, followed by clothing,
>   all appropriate to the situation, followed by everything else.
>   On my list, the next level of need is the means to get out,
>   whatever that might mean.

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