[BC] Michael Jackson, R.I.P.

Thomas G. Osenkowsky tosenkowsky at prodigy.net
Thu Jun 25 18:11:01 CDT 2009

I admit that I have posted some bad, at times
very bad humor and sarcasm here. I have
always fessed up to it and apologized both
publicly and privately.

I have NEVER mocked the dead, ill or those who
are otherwise unable to defend themselves. I am
ashamed, embarrassed and frankly disgusted to 
have any association with those who do. 

Michael Jackson did have a unique persona and
eccentric life. He did have a successful career as
well as well publicized personal, financial and
other issues. Those are not, and never will be,
valid reasons to disgrace him in death. How do
YOU want to be remembered?

If anyone feels offended by what I've said, so be it.
I stand by my statements. Please do not attempt
to explain or apologize. You have a right to your
opinion and view, even though I may not agree with
or respect it.

I will say no more on this topic.
Tom Osenkowsky, CPBE

> Apparently he was dancing when it happened.
> Doctors say they blame it on the boogie.
> [sorry!]
> His nose fell off.

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