[BC] Re: Passive studio monitors

Glen Kippel glen.kippel at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 17:46:35 CDT 2009

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 12:19 PM, Gary Peterson <kzerocx at rap.midco.net>wrote:

> I'm trying to prepare a suggested studio equipment list for a college
> station with a tight budget.  Are there any passive studio monitors that
> don't exceed the $100/each price point that sound halfway decent?  Physical
> size, other than freight costs, is not a big consideration.  Larger might
> be
> better.  The studios I have built for my employers have EV Sentrys, JBLs &
> Polks.  These are all too expensive for the college station, at this time.

Well, there are plenty of active speakers that would do the job, but you
said passive...  You're not going to find anything "big" at that price
point, sorry.  And you mentioned Polk, so probably the Polk TSi100 would be
up your alley at a list price of $199 for the pair.  For "professional
monitor speakers," the JBL Control-1 and KRK R-6 go for something like
$150/pair at BSW and others.  The only computer speakers that I have heard
that sounded good were the Klipsch ProMedia 2.1, which has a list price of
$150 for the 3 (yes, a subwoofer) and I think I saw a set at Office Max for
$129.95 awhile back.  Or was it Office Depot?  I always get those confused.

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