Bob Stroupe bstroupe at peoplepc.com
Tue Jun 16 14:08:08 CDT 2009

The channel 2 you were seeing is not KPRC-TV in Houston as their channel 2 xmitter is still in analog on "Search Light" service.

Bob Stroupe

-----Original Message-----
>From: Alan Alsobrook <radiotech at bellsouth.net>
>I would imagine that once the "Search Light" stations have signed off
>more channels may start showing up for those with good outdoor antennas.
>I was helping a friend here with his and we were picking up stations
>from well over 300 miles away. We didn't take time to identify some of
>them but I know we were seeing a 2-1 and a 2-2 with the antenna pointed
>West and it wasn't Orlando (WESH)  My best guess at the time was
>something across the Gulf in Texas.


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