[BC] Bill Croghan

Lotus Engineering loteng at lvradio.com
Thu Jun 11 16:12:10 CDT 2009

	Schizoid means you always have someone else to blame!  Thanks everyone for the good comments.  The Potosi tour is just a matter of time.  The shortest possible would take at least 4 hours. With all the other junk in my Expedition, I can usually only take about 2-3 other people.  Catch me at the right time and you might get that ride, bout don't count on it during NAB!

-----Original Message-----
 [mailto:broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net] From: Thomas G. Osenkowsky

>Anyone who knows Bill...knows Bill...He is one of the least pretentious
>persons I know.
>Bill is good people.

You have such a nice way of saying Bill has
multiple personalities :-)

Tom Osenkowsky, CPBE

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