[BC] Disgusting Caller Voices...

Jim Tonne Tonne at comcast.net
Tue Jun 9 18:05:56 CDT 2009


Your story about the deflection yoke being rotated
to "get back at" someone caused a flashback here.

I was at Moseley Associates and sometime in the
late 1960s I went off to an NAB show.  But just
before I left I opened up the side of one of the
Tektronix scopes in the final test area that one of
my buddies used and swapped the two wires going
to the horizontal deflection plates.  Now the scope
would sweep from right to left.

I got back from the NAB show and saw the scope 
sitting upside down on some Styrofoam blocks, 
sweeping now from left to right.

And the guy I "did this to" had this huge smirk on
his face!  He of course knew exactly what I had 
done, fixed things, and just prior to my return put 
the wires back to how I had left them and then 
turned the scope upside down.

He had the final laugh!  A bunch of us chuckled
about that little prank for quite a while.

- JimT

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