[BC] KFEQ 680 Tower Comes Down

PeterH peterh5322 at rattlebrain.com
Thu Jun 18 17:09:59 CDT 2009

On Jun 18, 2009, at 2:41 PM, RichardBJohnson at comcast.net wrote:

> These things have very little loss.

KPO/KNBC/KNBR used six-wire open line for transmitting its entire 50  
kW to its single main tower. What it used for its auxiliary tower is  
not known to me.

RCA marketed "five wire" (really, four outer wires and one inner  
wire) for up to and including 10 kW, and there is still a 10 kW  
installation in San Francisco which uses this line, and "six  
wire" (really, four outer wires and two inner wires) for more than 10  

KFBK, notable for the very first domestic use of what would later  
become "Ampliphase" ("Amplifuzz", to some), used its own home-made  
line, as were its 50 kW and 5 kW transmitters, which consisted of six  
outer wires in a hexagon (RCA's line was in a square) and two inner  

There still exists a parallelogram array in Texas, which is almost an  
in-line, which uses open line, and which "distributes" its phasor  
function across all four ATUs.

Obviously, for a minimum cost implementation.

And, as the quoted poster stated, for minimum loss.

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