[BC] Simian Software Question

KJ4HYD kj4hyd at gmail.com
Thu Jul 9 07:12:04 CDT 2009

From: "Broadcast List USER" <Broadcast at fetrow.org>
> What IS on the air if Simian isn't?

BSI WaveStation

>  How long did the previous engineer have it and not install it?

About 18 Months.

> If he specked it, he should have made it work.

Agreed. He had the same problem I am having, but had too big of a head to 
ask for help.

>If you speak with him, you may get a response like; "You have got to be 
>kidding.  I never said that Simian is best!"

Nope, I talked to him. He wanted Simian because the Sales Droids at BSI told 
him it was the best and he believed them, and it was the upgrade from the 
WaveStation currently in use. He pushed for it because he thought it was the 
"Best in the industry".

>  Sometimes, when you change out engineers you have got to pay for some 
> training.

Agreed, but you gotta have the money in the budget to pay for that training

> I have "supported" both Simian and Wave Station.  The station really 
> couldn't afford support

In my case, the station is a Catholic Charity working with a Near Zero 

>Some may say it is expensive, but frankly, without a working automation 
>system you are either manned, or off the air.

Very True, but there ARE cheaper and better options out there then the 
Simian that has been unloaded on me.

Kevin in Upstate SC

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