[BC] RE: Studio Grounding Info

Jeff Johnson jeff at rfproof.com
Fri May 30 08:45:36 CDT 2008

Look at the Jensen transformer whitepapers. They are a treasure trove of 
analog interconnection information.

Jeff.Johnson at rfproof.com, CSRE


>Hi Mike,
>That was a fantastically useful response to my post, thanks so much. I
>appreciate you reminding me of the importance of specifying the difference
>between "audio common" and "ground". Mostly you confirmed that I'm on the
>right track.
>In answer to your valid question about why "analog"? The specific answer is
>that the current had already limited itself to analog before I was called
>in. They had already ordered equipment so it's a bit late to turn back. More
>broadly, here in South Africa for many small and medium size installations
>digital is perceived as (and often is) to expensive. The skills base amongst
>users is limited so the benefits of a more flexible and future-proof system
>are often not understood or appreciated whereas the costs implications are.
>Skills versus cost is also a real factor upon installation and operation. A
>single Axia line node locally costs the equivalent of a wireman's monthly
>salary and he can solder a lot of analog wire in a month, whereas the more
>"advanced" skills required to set up and run digital systems are hard to
>find and expensive locally.
>I'm going to get a copy of the NAB handbook now.
>Martin Sims

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