[BC] Re: Cell Phone Number Questions

Blaine Thompson irw at well.com
Wed May 21 19:41:07 CDT 2008

Paul B. Walker, Jr. typed, without the benefit of editing:
> Could I have 2 numbers on my cell without actually having 2 lines? (Like
> you would with a family plan?

You could through a service such as Kall 8, but then phone number #2 would
most likely be a toll free number (Is that what you wanted, Paul).

In summary, if you did this, you would have a land line number, which you
would port and would then be your cell phone number (bye bye land line).

Then, you could set up a phone number with Kall 8, that would ring through
to your cell phone number.  Voila: Two phone numbers that go to one
physical cell phone.

I have not looked too much into Kall 8's services, but I know they have

- Blaine

Blaine Thompson                                    Indiana RadioWatch
irw at well.com                              http://www.indianaradio.net
                AOL Instant Messenger: indianaradio5

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