[BC] A Service Idea: Is there a need (and/or a market) for this?

Keith Hammond monsterfm at monsterfm.com
Sat May 17 18:11:05 CDT 2008

 > -----Original Message-----
 > On Behalf Of Harold Hallikainen
 > It seems that freight and moving companies are highly regulated. Are you
 > ready to deal with that?

I'm not even certain that I'm considering it. It was just a passing thought
that appears to have already been proven to be another impossibly
complicated waste in yet another attempt at creating jobs for a couple of
friends who are out of work, help another friend sell a VERY nicely equipped
moving truck and help others by providing "broadcast familiar movers".

Alas, as they say, no good deed (or attempt at a good deed) goes unpunished
(or unpaid for)...

But, I may still obtain ownership of the vehicle for use in moving our own
equipment as the sale price is just about what we'd normally pay a moving
company to move one site for us.

Keith Hammond
MonsterFM.com / Broadcast Technical Services

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