[BC] Part 15 radio station

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Fri May 16 14:03:06 CDT 2008

Actually, when I had modelling software a while back, I modelled what would
happen if I made the antenna out of oil drums welded together to be about 3
meters tall. The extra diameter knocked the capacitive reactance down from
over 2k ohms to about 400, meaning I could use a much smaller inductor for


------ Original Message ------
Received: Fri, 16 May 2008 10:32:38 AM EDT
From: Tom <radiofreetom at gmail.com>

A fully compliant ground-mounted 100 mw TX with the 9-foot whip... 
and a *buried* quarter-wave ground radial system... the whole 120 
radials thing.  Which, being buried, becomes the GROUND, not the 
ground lead... which is that piece of 2" copper strap sticking up.

Next, add, at roughly a half-wave out, a roughly quarter-wave-tall tower
- NOT CONNECTED IN ANY WAY to the part 15 TX.

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