[BC] Continental 314D

John Lyles jtml at losalamos.com
Wed May 14 12:09:47 CDT 2008

I was sifting through Harold Hallikainen's broadcast history website of old documents and manuals for BC equipment and found a Continental Electronics 314D 1 kW AM transmitter manual, dated 1962. My gosh, that thing used a screen modulated quad-pack of 4-400As with (4) 807s in it. It had ~ 15 dB of inverse RF to audio feedback to reduce the distortion of screen modulation. Had a knob (feedback) to control the level of the feedback to make specs. You adjust it during your proof!  Overall efficiency was quoted at 22% for 85% modulation. They ran 4100 volts at 650 mA in those four final tubes, giving a PA efficiency of 37%. I can see why this thing wasn't a popular model, compared to the BC1T, BTA1R1 and 20V2 of the era that used high level modulation with class C finals. 

Still, it was a neatly laid out box, with built-in dummy load (called phantom) and at 1100 lbs, 32 x 32 " footprint, it was fairly well sized for the early 1960s when big was in. My question for the collective here is: 
Are any of these still around, and does anyone have experience using one? Just curious. 

The site:


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