[BC] telco service in the 21st century

Robert Meuser Robertm at broadcast.net
Tue May 13 13:56:44 CDT 2008


Do you really see a conspiracy under every rock? I think as a 
consumer I am better off now than I have ever been.  The telephone 
companies are loosing a lot of their traditional business. The idea a 
telco service needs to arrive on a copper pair with DC loop current 
is just plain old fashioned.

Telcos are playing catch up to cable TV and VOIP services. Worrying 
about the physical means a service is delivered is silly. As long as 
we can keep net neutrality it is possible run Vonage or another VOIP 
service over road runner, DSL or many other IP based services available.

Most  of my money to Verizon is spent on cell service which is both 
voluntary and competitive (and offers unlimited fairly high speed 
data). They get $9 per month from me for POTS, which I virtually never use.

As you are well aware, one can take a Barix home and have program 
grade audio service without paying any provider additional fees. I 
bet you couldn't do that in 1996 either.

Dana wrote:
>Yet another travesty of the Powell FCC! The Comm. Act. of 1996 was supposed to
>be the "Act for the next 50 years", yet Powell and his Republican ilk
>Commissioners read the Act to mean that the sharing provisions applied ONLY to
>the plant then in existance in 1996 (copper).
>Do ANY of us believe that any copper plant will still be in common use by
>telcos in 2046??
>Of course, then Powell 'deregulated' DSL and determined that COPPER sharing
>only applied to analog VOICE, not data (DSL)!
>BUT the telcos got 100% of what THEY wanted-entry to the long distance market
>and the ability to merge each other back together again!
>The consumer got raped by the FCC...TWICE! And Powell and his friends got
>nice, cushy jobs as telco 'consultants'. All nicely bought, paid for, and

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