[BC] ANI Faking --and-- IP address blocking

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Tue May 13 08:33:58 CDT 2008

------ At 11:30 PM 5/12/2008, Craig Healy wrote: -------

>I think that the overreaction to preventing a country with known bad habits
>is also flawed.  Dunno about you, but having lead-tainted email can't be
>healthy. </humor>

It was very carefully pointed out in this very forum that China 
(among others) is on its way to owning us. While it would be paranoid 
to believe the current wiretapping efforts might be at the direction 
of China, do you want to be on the list of disloyal servants when a 
China-directed Homeland Security comes calling?

My friends in foreign countries now look at the US as a country with 
"known bad habits." They point to Iraq, Afghanistan and, soon, Iran, 
as examples. It's distressing to see them gleeful as we revert to 
third world nation status.


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