[BC] Digital converters remote question

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Mon May 12 23:12:05 CDT 2008

The Echostar will not be out until at least mid summer. It's supposed to
retail for $40.00 so the only cost will be tax and/or shipping. Find me a
Philco and I'll buy it! No one can find them anywhere!


------ Original Message ------
Received: Mon, 12 May 2008 11:29:07 PM EDT
From: nakayle at gmail.com
To: "Broadcasters' Mailing List" <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Subject: Re: [BC] Digital converters remote question

According to the list that came with the coupon only two- the 
Echostar and Philco have analog pass-through.

  The more expensive ones have remote volume- but probably not any of 
the $50 boxes..

  All the ones I've seen have a way to turn off the automatic 
shut-off in the set-up menu.

   I think it's too bad that no one has made a comprehensive 
tabulation of all the models comparing features and performance but 
there is not  a lot of difference because to be eligible for the $40 
coupon they can only have certain basic features.

   - Nat

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