[BC] Digital converters remote question

Dale Adkins- WINI AM wini at intrnet.net
Mon May 12 21:20:16 CDT 2008


I have one of the Radio Shack units (Energystar)
and one Insignia I bought at  Best Buy.
Both have basically the same features,  but the Insignia is
much more sensitive and gets better reception..  Neither is really
satisfactory because I cannot get enough signal from all the stations I
receive fine on analog.  I think I will have to go to a
higher or amplified antenna.

Yes, you can control volume with the RC...change channels....see the signal
strength....    Both of these units have one annoying feature.  They shut
down automatically after a period of time .

I have disconnected my unit at home and gone back to analog,  because having
the picture breakup during bad weather  and even  affected by nearby traffic
was very annoying.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Earle" <mearle at mearle.com>

> So.. anyone have some recomendations with the $50 converter boxes? Good
> or bad, >

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