[BC] Hams and troubleshooting...

Douglas Pritchett radiofool at gmail.com
Sat May 10 19:20:05 CDT 2008

It's when we talk about, think from or act on generalizations, we get
in trouble. Imagine the reaction to the original post if the word
"ham" had been replaced with "woman", "african-american", "old fart",
or "Christian".
I am blessed that my current employer looked past my advancing age and
saw potential for both me and their company.
Douglas B. Pritchett
radiofool at gmail.com

On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 4:42 PM, Gary Peterson <kzerocx at rap.midco.net> wrote:
> Someone who, arbitrarily, won't
> hire an applicant with a ham license is just as ignorant as someone who
> won't, arbitrarily, hire a person with a GROL or who learned electronics in
> the military or trade school.  I suspect the person, you referred to, missed
> out on some good employees.

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