[BC] Hams and troubleshooting...

Glen Kippel glen.kippel at gmail.com
Sat May 10 10:52:08 CDT 2008

On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 8:37 AM, Burt I. Weiner <biwa at att.net> wrote:

> <snip>
> Do not make the mistake of not hiring a person just because they are a Ham
> (Radio Operator).  Interview them the same way you would any other
> prospective employee.  Give them credit for having more than a passing
> interest in things electronic.

Indeed yes.  There are hams who design and build things, and there are hams
who are "appliance operators."  The employer should find out which
prospective employees want to fritter away their time on useless projects,
and which are capable of building those custom interface panels and other
items that are sometimes necessary.  It is possible to spend $500 (or
whatever the price is now) for a remote-control relay panel with 16 relays.
But if you only need two relays, can the engineer whip up a panel for $20 in
parts and a couple of hours in time?  That's where having some electronic
and mechanical aptitude comes in handy.

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