[BC] X-Digital question

ACN acn at acn.cc
Wed May 7 22:08:13 CDT 2008

Ron, is it your understanding that ABC is going to the X box but only for 
its own programming, not for programming that simply buys satillite time 
from ABC?


> At one of my stations we're still using a SG3 for news at the top of the 
> hour into our automation and it plays the news at :02 past the hour.
> We also get Paul Harvey on it.
> The SG3 does everything that we need and we don't need any of the bells 
> and whistles that the X box provides yet we're being forced to transition 
> to it when ABC kills the SG3's.
> I have the X box installed as a hot standby so all that I have to do when 
> the change over day arrives is plug in the audio connector from the SG3 
> but we could live without it.
> Ron D

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