[BC] Moseley Starlink SL9003Q Interference Fix

Tom Bosscher tom at bosscher.org
Wed May 7 20:09:15 CDT 2008

Dan Kelley wrote:
 >I went through that with a 9003Q too. When conditions were
 >perfect, it sounded great. When the wind was blowing, it was

    You need a good tower person to go up the tower and tug and pull on 
everything on the tower, especially anything near any antenna spitting 
out RF. A huge offender are the stainless steel pulling harness's used 
to haul Heilax up a tower. Almost always they are left in place. I have 
had tower climbers look at these right next to a 20 kw antenna input 
array and pull 1" arcs. Have the tower person pull all of these of the 
tower and cut off any left over chain links that are used to clamp in 
any antennas. Anything loose has to go. Even a hard line connector that 
is not taped and held securely, banging against the tower in the wind 
can cause problems.

tom bosscher

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