[BC] Ethics

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Mon May 5 14:50:04 CDT 2008

This comes from Pappas Telecasting a TV/radio company. If you have ever met
Harry Pappas (I have), you know he is a tough businessman who means what he
says. Though I don't agree with everything he does or says, I have the utmost
respect for him.

Maybe it's time for more companies to do what his (very successfull) company
strives to do every day. See, you can make money and serve the public intrest
at the same time!

One more thing-his employee turnover is almost zero and I don't believe that
he has ever laid off anyone.


Mission Statement

Our duty is to serve the public interest, convenience and necessity. A true
broadcaster has to perform two roles comfortably: one, that of public trustee,
and the second, that of responsible businessperson. Our business interests
cannot supersede or contravene our duty as public trustee.

The Federal Communications Commission states, "Programming is the essence of
broadcasting." All material we broadcast must be truthful. We must seek to
serve the needs, tastes and interests of the public we serve in each local
area. We entertain, inform, educate and stimulate our audiences. Our newscasts
must adhere to the highest and best standards and traditions of broadcast
journalists. Where programming is supplied by others, we must endeavor to
persuade our content providers that contemporary community standards of
decency and good taste are to be respected, and that we seek to broadcast
programming with a due regard for the conventions, beliefs, morals and
religious values of the various persons who together represent the communities
we are obliged to serve.

We believe a company is a group of persons united by common purpose and high
standards, whose ambition is to achieve a collective success arising from the
contribution of their unique skills, insight, diligence, hard work and
inspiration. We seek to associate with ladies and gentlemen who treat others
as they deserve to be treated.

We know that we work for our audiences first, our advertisers second, our
colleagues third.

We believe that whatever we conceive, we can achieve if it is consistent with
dignity, honor, principle and our duties.

We are broadcasters.

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