[BC] Fallout from cuts

patrick roberts radiowavesokc at gmail.com
Mon May 5 14:21:41 CDT 2008

At some point when the private folks buy up the "failed" sticks at a
discount they'll have to step up and hire some useful talent in order to
win.  Those that will be willing to take a LOSS for several years to do good
programming will eventually get a RETURN on their INVESTMENT.  The sad news
is radio is no longer just a money pressing machine regardless of how bad
the product it turns out is.  Times ARE changing.  Hopefully there's still
some people around that know how to program and schedule music. 10 songs in
a row just isn't going to compete against other options for the consumer
these days.  Expecting the goose to lay 12 percent or better increases in
profitablity isn't going to happen either.  The sooner station owners
understand that (current or future owners) the better things will become.
It takes an investment to make money.  They haven't "INVESTED" much in years
expept in the golden parachutes for the top execs.  The sooner non-radio
people get out of our business the better.  They need to go back to the
sleasy used car dealer or scrap metal business they came from.


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