[BC] Radio engineering not a profession - 50 kW Vs. 2 Watts

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Mon May 5 08:32:26 CDT 2008

------ At 06:53 PM 5/4/2008, Glen Kippel wrote: -------

>I once met a man who had worked for Lee deForest.  He told me, "Lee would
>come up with all those crazy ideas and leave it for us engineers to figure
>out how to make them work."  Now THAT is really pioneering radio!

I had a friend in Dennville, NJ, who was Edison's right hand man. He 
called him "The Old Man." Don's basement had the most amazing 
collection of some of the experiments as well as radio tubes still in 
their wooden, velvet-lined boxes. I could sit with Don for hours 
listening to his stories about things we now take for granted. I'm an 
inactive trustee of a high powered 440 repeater in NJ. It now bears 
Don's call.


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