[BC] All Sports Stations

Thomas G. Osenkowsky tosenkowsky at prodigy.net
Sat May 3 08:11:47 CDT 2008

>That's a bad pre-judgment. I seem to remember that the sports stations in
>Vegas touted the highest disposable income audience of any station.

Who wouldn't believe that? Look at the Yankees.
Their players are the highest paid in baseball. With
all the multimillion dollar contracts, product
endorsement deals, etc. the players all have high
disposable incomes.

>My friend Brenda has a cooking show.  She's talented. In my chauvinist
>worldview that could be considered  programming aimed at the female demo.
>well-produced cooking show can attract a female audience.

I would hope so! When I come home from a hard day
at work I like it when my honey cooks me up something
special, unique and different. I show my appreciation by
changing the bag in her vacuum cleaner and the head on
her mop. I'm not afraid to do some dirty work.

Have you noticed the large number of female sportscasters?
There are a number of them on NYC TV. One is a NY Yankees
play-by-play radio announcer.

Tom Osenkowsky, CPBE
Admitting he has no interest in sports. And becomes VERY
upset when Dr. Laura gets bumped in favor of an afternoon game.

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