[BC] Audio levels

Richard Fry rfry at adams.net
Sat May 3 06:26:34 CDT 2008

>Still, wouldn't it be nice if the RF people who write dBu for dB wrt 1 
>microVolt would use the extended character set (when available) to pull up 
>the "mu" character and use that.

Just to note that microvolts of direct current and audio also are possible, 
so the use of "µ" in the units term would not remove ambiguity. 
Interestingly, in common use the term dBu has two possible meanings when 
describing audio levels (dB unterminated and dB w.r.t. 1 microvolt).

BTW, lower-case mu (µ) is available on most PCs by holding the ALT key down 
while entering 230 using the number keypad.

Here is a link to a list of special characters 
http://www.yellowpipe.com/yis/tools/ALT-Characters/ .


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