[BC] Fallout from cuts

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Fri May 2 00:43:27 CDT 2008

So let me get this straight, Kent.

A company buys a bunch of stations, lays off 3/4 of their staffs, and
basically runs them into the ground-and you think that's A-OK???!!!

I didn't make the decisions that these companies did. Neither did you-yet we
are the ones that suffer when they fail due to poor management and decisions.

I DO NOT think that's A-OK! Not one bit!

How could selling at a fire sale price to a local company be any worse then
the consolidators have done?

Do you truly believe that things can get worse then they are? With stock
prices depressed by 90% and more?


------ Original Message ------
Received: Thu, 01 May 2008 08:12:04 PM EDT
From: "Kent Winrich" <kwinrich at gmail.com>

I guess I am amazed that people in the business wish ill of others in the

If you think that the failure of one of these companies will not effect YOUR
job, you better wake up!  Just think if the value of station drops to "fire
sale" level.  That would not be good for broadcasting as a whole.

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