[BC] tone arms

ChuxGarage@aol.com ChuxGarage
Tue Sep 26 20:41:59 CDT 2006

In a message dated 9/25/2006 8:38:57 PM Central Standard Time, 
broadcast-request at radiolists.net writes:

>I'm still looking for a Gray Reaearch 208B tonearm (that's the viscous
>damped model that was umber gray wrinkle finish with a shiny black bakelite

If you find one, and it has an extra cartridge holder, I really need 
one for a restoration project.  Email me at kzqxfmNOSPAM at aol.com. 
Just take out the NOSPAM part. (But you knew that.)

Chuck Conrad
KZQX Radio

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