[BC] Counterpoise Ground System

Bill Smith brscomm
Wed Sep 20 19:27:09 CDT 2006

Would this be the same as the crossed field antenna?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net
[mailto:broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net]
> On Behalf Of Bailey, Scott
> Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 1:22 PM
> To: Broadcasters' Mailing List
> Subject: RE: [BC] Counterpoise Ground System
> I think that too, but the FCC doesn't look at it that way. They don't
> want to get involved in city and county codes regulations, and leave it
> up to the licensee to figure that out.
> At the FCC, I guess they figured you have approached stupid, local,
> councilmen, zoning officials, etc, before you even applied for a CP to
> build the tower and station.
> Being a federal agency, it's high time the FCC gets a few employees off
> their butts and start dealing with this issue. Yea, not in my back yard,
> but when it comes to being their in an emergency, they want us (AM's)
> there, cell phones working, etc.  Ladies and Gentlemen, this shows us
> how stupid the public is!
> I think more research should be done to manufacture antennas that would
> get us the coverage we need with out so much tower and land. Ted Hart
> proposed the e-h antenna, and in the beginning, I thought wow, here is
> the answer. He tested it in his hometown at a local AM at the high end
> of the dial.  He had a 20db loss in signal. There is still an
> application out there for KYET in Williams, AZ to install and use the
> e-h antenna for daytime only use. It still has been granted because Norm
> Miller, nor anybody else up there in DC understands how it works.
> Scott

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