[BC] Counterpoise Ground System

Bill Harms wharms
Wed Sep 20 16:49:14 CDT 2006

Good thought Nat.

	In the case of Spokane, the earliest stations were mounted on the 
tops of downtown buildings and a high school building (KFIO on North 
Central High School). KSBN is a legacy of that era, although by 1946 
when the installation was built, other stations were located in 
better sites. I am sure the case is similar in other cities.  
Baltimore has a rooftop station also (WITH 1230).  When I took 
pictures of that installation, I did not have access to the roof so I 
do not know what the ground system is like, but I do know it does not 
have an overhead counter-poise system like KSBN 1230.

On 20 Sep 2006 at 12:06, nakayle at gmail.com wrote:

>  Very interesting installation but I never have understood the logic
> of rooftop AM antennas.  Seems to me a ground mounted tower would work
> better and be so much easier to do. 
> And I can't imagine even building a rooftop system now a days as
> strict as zoning and building codes have become.  Now a days you're
> lucky if they let you build a tower at all. 

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