[BC] Counterpoise Ground System

nakayle@gmail.com nakayle
Wed Sep 20 11:12:37 CDT 2006

 Very interesting installation but I never have understood the logic of
rooftop AM antennas.  Seems to me a ground mounted tower would work better
and be so much easier to do.

And I can't imagine even building a rooftop system now a days as strict as
zoning and building codes have become.  Now a days you're lucky if they let
you build a tower at all.

  -Nat Kayle

On 9/19/06, Bill Harms <wharms at philcobill.com> wrote:
> Scott:
>         Please check this out.  KSBN 1230 Spokane, Washington uses a
> counter-
> poise system that stretches across the streets and parking lots to
> other buildings.  http://spokane.philcobill.com/kfio/tower.php

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