[BC] Tape deck issue

Gary Peterson kzerocx
Tue Sep 19 08:58:07 CDT 2006

" It would be best not to use rubbing alcohol, as it is usually 30% water.
There may also be some lanolin, which you don't want on your head.  Or the
cassette machine's head, either.  <g>  Denatured alcohol is probably the
best compromise between efficacy and cost.  Xylene (e.g. Goof-Off) works
very well but it eats holes in plastic, so you have to be very careful when
using it.
Glen Kippel "

I will not use denatured alcohol.  There are various government approved
denaturants that must be added to ethanol (ethyl or grain alcohol) to make
it unsuitable for human consumption, thereby avoiding high taxes.
Denaturants may include aviation gasoline (bad for plastics or epoxys) or
other additives that could harm head faces or rubber rollers.  One approved
denaturant, with a chemical name I can't recall, is extremely bitter to the
taste.  It this compound tends to leave a tacky residue when the alcohol

I have had very good luck with isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol), which has no
additives, unless you buy isopropyl rubbing alcohol, which as stated
previously, is 30% water.  Isopropyl is also about the best flux remover I
have found.

Gary, K?CX

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