[BC] Tape deck issue

Cowboy curt
Mon Sep 18 17:48:12 CDT 2006

On Monday 18 September 2006 05:50 pm, Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote:
> Hello:
> We run some of our programming of casettes and even after switching to new
> casettes(the others werent that old)... our tapes seem warbly.
> You know, the voice soudns OK, but any music under it sounds like a bad
> dialup webstream.
> What should I do to detemrine what the problem is? I know that sounds like a
> silly question to most, but I'm not familiar with tape decks.

 I'd start by giving the transports a really good cleaning.
 ( something seldom if ever done on cassette machines )

 Not just tape heads, but the whole thing, including capstan,
 tape guides, belts and pulleys.  

 Q-tips and rubbing alcohol are your friend !


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