[BC] putting phone calls on the air

DHultsman5@aol.com DHultsman5
Sun Sep 17 17:28:56 CDT 2006

In a message dated 9/17/2006 12:11:44 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
richwood at pobox.com writes:

It's  interesting to note that his "Hush-A-Phone" caused problems with 
Ma Bell.  Both it and the Carterphone used acoustic couplers, not 
direct  connections. Ma Bell still complained. Carter won the case for 
acoustic  couplers in 1956. In 1976 companies could register equipment 
that no  longer required renting a coupler.


Also very interesting that Elgin and several other companies that built the  
equipment for the telephone companies were allowed to sell the "Recorder  
Connectors" , Recorder Couplers" and the "30A Voice Couplers" direct to  
broadcasters.  I bought 15 of the Elgin Recorder Couplers for our news,  contests and 
request lines.

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