[BC] MAJOR flub in NY on Channel 9!

WFIFeng@aol.com WFIFeng
Sun Sep 17 12:28:29 CDT 2006

What in the world is going on with "MY 9" in NYC? Nobody's home, I suspect... 
they are supposed to be showing the Yankees/Red Sox game, and they're not. On 
the YES network, just before1pm, they said "Tune in to My 9 for today's game 
in just a few minutes!" Well... it's 1:25, and still no game, so  we're 
listening to the radio.

I am guessing someone mis-programmed the automation at the TV station, but 
come on... 25 minutes, and it still hasn't been corrected? Nobody can call into 
the system and fix it? Unacceptable. Their phones must be smoking by now, and 
their e-mail is probably full.

(Very frustrated)

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