[BC] Tweaking AudioVault (WAS:Oh No another...)

WFIFeng@aol.com WFIFeng
Wed Sep 13 22:32:15 CDT 2006

In a message dated 09/13/2006 9:21:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
lfuss2 at cox.net writes:

> Or their CE knows someone?
>  Locally?  In American Samoa?  ROTFLMAO.

Umm... ok. I was thinking USA. Sorry. :)

>  The INI files were done entirely by BE.  I'm afraid to try anything myself.
>  I'll ask Eric next time I talk to him.

Ok, I can understand your hesitance... Eric is "Da Man". If he can't help 
you, I don't know who can. :) They have other skilled techs, of course... but I 
think Eric is their top guy for AV. In the few situations where I've needed his 
direction, he was right there with the solution. He got us off the ground 
back in 1997, and has been there when we've needed him along the way. BTW, we're 
running AV at 6 stations... ranging from the old Win95-based AV100 to Win 
2000, NT4(?), and XP. Excepting hardware failures once in a blue moon, and human 
errors a little more often than that, "It just works".

>  Ah-ha.  But we use ABC LocalMax, which uses dated logs, so looks like I'm
>  tied into that method of operation.  Oh well.

Not necessarily! Perhaps it can be configured to use a 7-day system, instead? 
If not, then just rename the actual log files before you import them. We do 
ours differently, in that we never over-write the log. I simply edit it, 
changing the spots & liners as needed each day. Takes maybe 15-20 minutes, tops. 
This way, all of the "important minutae" like the "align" markers stay put. 
(Unless we change our programming, which happens only now and then.) Traffic need 
only be concerned with the actual program & spot placement, not the other 
stuff. For Traffic, we use the system that used to be called CBSI. What is it now, 
"WICKS" or something...? Anyway, Traffic comes from our station/office in RI, 
so I am only scantly familiar with that end. I just keep "Robbie the Robot" 
happy on this end here in CT. (I also provide some "light tech support" to the 
other stations from time-to-time.)

I would say that I give the AudioVault an 8.5 out of 10. I am very happy with 


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