[BC] FCC & 9/11

Rich Wood richwood
Mon Sep 11 17:40:15 CDT 2006

------ At 03:42 PM 9/11/2006, Mark Humphrey wrote: -------

>>I think the FCC would be on very shaky ground if it tried any enforcement
>>action, as "9/11" has been broadcast twice previously with no actions
>>being taken against any station.
>I didn't watch the program, but Don Wildmon posted an "Action Alert"
>on Thursday, stating  that it "contains much obscene language" and
>wanted his disciples to complain to their local CBS affiliate's
>General Manager.

I notice there's no mention of horrible violence that might have a 
greater long-term effect on children than any number of F-words 
uttered in extreme emotion ever would. The kids are used to the 
language, hearing it every day at school and on the street. I doubt 
it's often they're faced with people being blown out of buildings as 
the floors pancaked, not to mention the ones who jumped to escape the 
fire. I don't care for obscene language but I heard a whole lot of it 
that day. Unlike the daily use of obscenity as punctuation, this time 
it conveyed deep emotion. If it hadn't been included I can't imagine 
being able to convey what it was like to be anywhere nearby.

In this case, I think any deletion of that language would be a 
terrible insult to the people affected. This (except ABC) was hard 
news. Will auto accidents be the next to be censored because it's too 
graphic "for the children?"

>Never one to miss an opportunity, he asked for a "small gift" too!

They never do. Where were all the groups with "Family" in their names 
when families were separated and in need of food and help during 
Katrina? What are they doing now in their cushy offices besides 
raising money and lobbying for anti something-or-other. Why don't 
they actually do something? I can't imagine Gary Bauer with his 
manicured fingers and expensive suits demeaning himself by actually 
helping someone in need. Now these people are complaining about the 
language of those first-responders who actually did. They're 
hypocrites to the core. While Bauer sounds about as prissy as they 
come I notice he has no problem breathing because he was on the 
ground in filthy air helping.

They claim to be Godly. The Godly folks were the congregations that 
got on their busses to get their hands dirty during Katrina. I have 
it on good authority the tenth level of Hell is reserved for Bauer, 
Wildmon and their ilk. Even with gas at nearly $3.00 a gallon I'll be 
happy to deliver some to make sure that level is toasty warm.

I won't even ask where these people are when families and kids are 
starving to death all over the world.


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