[BC] Part 15 LPAM Question?

Robert Meuser Robertm
Sat Sep 9 14:51:33 CDT 2006

I am not that sure that these units are in the rangemaster league.  
There is a certain amount of 'black art' when it comes to matching a 
legal antenna. Without looking at the schematics or at least the PC 
board, it is hard to state with authority that these units are equal to 
a Rangemaster. The only way to determine this would be a head to head 


Dana Puopolo wrote:

>Here are some links to some decent affordable 100 mW AM transmitters...
>First, BY FAR the best value out there (110% of the Rangemaster for less then
>10% of the cost):
>Next, a crystal controlled "monster":
>finally, for all you tube buffs:
>------ Original Message ------
>Received: Fri, 08 Sep 2006 03:48:44 PM EDT
>From: "Bailey, Scott" <sbailey at nespower.com>
>To: "Broadcasters' Mailing List" <broadcast at radiolists.net>
>Subject: RE: [BC] Part 15 LPAM Question?
>That's where I went and found no info on picking channels.  Seem to me,
>everyone's was in the X band.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net
>[mailto:broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net] On Behalf Of
>kc8gpd at hotmail.com
>Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 2:35 PM
>To: Broadcasters' Mailing List
>Subject: Re: [BC] Part 15 LPAM Question?
>check out http://www.part15.us
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Bailey, Scott" <sbailey at nespower.com>
>Has anybody designing a LPAM Part 15 station looked into using one of
>the Class C (old Class IV) local channels? I know most of the Part 15 AM
>stations I see others build who maintain web sites usually pick a
>channel in the 1610-1710 X-Band?
>Around here, we get a lot of skywave on the X-Band Channels and I told
>one guy who was planning to build a Part 15 LPAM that I would consider
>using a local channel...1230,1240,1340,1400,1450 or 1490. I told him we
>might find something clean enough for him to use during the day, but at
>night, those channels are so trashed, he may not get much out as he
>would like. Does anybody have any thoughts on this?
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