[BC] Part 15 LPAM Question?

PeterH5322 peterh5322
Fri Sep 8 16:31:55 CDT 2006

>Around here, we get a lot of skywave on the X-Band Channels and I told
>one guy who was planning to build a Part 15 LPAM that I would consider
>using a local channel...1230,1240,1340,1400,1450 or 1490. I told him we
>might find something clean enough for him to use during the day, but at
>night, those channels are so trashed, he may not get much out as he
>would like. Does anybody have any thoughts on this?

Outside the 48 contiguous states, these frequencies may have Class B 
stations assigned to them.

In Hawaii, CPs exist for 5 kW unlimited on 1240, 1340 and 1450, and for 
2.5 kW unlimited on 1400.

So far, 1230 and 1490 have been spared.

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