[BC] Part 15 LPAM Question?

kc8gpd@hotmail.com kc8gpd
Fri Sep 8 15:17:12 CDT 2006

I have a Hamilton Rangemaster with a CRL System consisting of a SPP800,
SEP800, and a SMP900 and having a low lying back yard with a creek outback
sure helps :) I like old school processing like the 9000b and the CRL's. My
friend is running a gates solidstatesman on his setup and you can't tell it
from the local clear channel owned station. he actually sounds better than

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bailey, Scott" <sbailey at nespower.com>

   There are one or two Class C Channels I found around here that are
Clean during the day. Nighttime is the same ole clutter.
   You mention you know of some Part 15 experimenters using an E-H
Antenna on Local Channels.  Isn't that the Antenna Ted Hart has been
trying to get the FCC to approve?  Have those guys had any success using

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