[BC] The religious radio rant

WFIFeng@aol.com WFIFeng
Wed Sep 6 11:10:46 CDT 2006

In a message dated 09/06/2006 04:20:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
jjohnson at goodnews.net writes:

>  It appears that many, many folks want to hear religious programming and 
> are paying to hear it.

Right. Willingly and gladly. As I said, the *vast* majority of Preachers are 
100% legitimate. Only a *small minority* are not, yet it is *that* tiny group 
that gets all of the attention. There are voluntary Accountability standards 
to which many of the larger, reputable organizations adhere. (Some smaller ones 
do, as well.) The ECFA, (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability) 
being the most prominent. Their standards are very high, and enforcement is 
strict. Any organization that bears their seal must meet all of those standards. 
By giving to one of these orgs, you have the assurance that your contributions 
are being used properly. (The financial books of member organizations are open 
to public scrutiny, and frequent audits by 3'rd parties.)

The NRB, (National Religious Broadcasters) is another national organization 
that stations & programmers voluntarily join. Members must adhere to certain, 
high standards of conduct. There are some stations that simply cannot afford 
official membership, but still adhere to the standards. There are many more who 
can afford it, and are full members of the NRB. Again, stations bearing that 
seal can be trusted to handle listener contributions properly.

If the Bakker scandal did anything good, it was to raise the bar for 
Christian programmers and stations. The formation of the ECFA was a direct response to 
that travesty.

The company I work for is a member of the NRB, and has been for many years. I 
am honored and privileged to work here. (19-plus years, and counting.)


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