[BC] Re: PD's are timid

Blaine Thompson blaine
Sun Sep 3 21:01:41 CDT 2006

Donna wrote:

 >And then there is the timidity of PDs in our conglomerate world.

Only the symptom of a larger problem.  Radio is squeezed.  Let me count 
the ways: (All my opinions.)

* Wall Street basically runs many stations.  (that's not a Clear Channel 
bash; that's a corporate radio bash.)
* Competition from many forms of media than there were 20 years ago. 
(iPod, TiVO, etc.)
* Many more radio stations on the air than there were 20 years ago. (80/90)
* Shorter attention spans.
* Listeners who demand instant broadcasting gratification.  Remember, 
there are alternatives.
* Increased FCC scrutiny.
* A lack of great songs.  Record companies are too focused on one-hit 
wonders it seems.  Did A&R die and I miss it?

Blaine Thompson
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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