[BC] The future of broadcasting...

Robert Orban rorban
Sun Sep 3 18:00:24 CDT 2006

At 12:35 PM 9/3/2006, you wrote:
>From: nakayle at gmail.com
>Subject: Re: [BC] The future of broadcasting...
>To: "Broadcasters' Mailing List" <broadcast at radiolists.net>
>         <b7524f7a0609031039t22cca33av6191643814345a37 at mail.gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>Yes, Top-40 stations had a "tiny" playlist- but it was not the same playlist
>month after month, year after year- it was constantly changing with new
>songs coming on and old ones dropping off according to the latest Billboard
>ratings.  This is what kept it sounding new and fresh.  I remember as a teen
>eagerly awaiting Sundays nights when my local station introduced the new
>additions each week.   It was a big deal.

Moreover, stations like WABC used the "American Idol" psychology to count 
down the top 10 without revealing what they were. Because a given song's 
position changed frequently, this helped keep listeners intrigued -- are 
their favorite songs ever going to make #1?

Bob Orban 

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